Thank You

This page is used to show the transaction result after a customer makes a payment.

It will dynamically show the order details to the customers when they are redirected here after a payment. Do not access this page directly.

Error! Order ID value is missing in the URL.
Open chat
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/* Joinchat styles (default values) */

.joinchat {

/* z-index: 9999;  /* (9000) */

/* --s: 50px;      /* button size: (60px) */

/* --bottom: 80px; /* bottom separation (20px) */

/* --sep: 20px;    /* right/left separation (20px) */

/* --header: 60px; /* chatbox header height (70px) */



/* Joinchat mobile styles */

@media (max-width: 480px), (orientation: landscape) and (max-width: 767px) {

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/* mobile rules */

